Prolific’s Mental & Physical Well-being Policy

At Prolific, we strive to support the well-being of all our employees and we try to optimise both mental and physical health so that our employees have a more well-rounded and happier lifestyle.

We know that sometimes life events can arise and this can result in someone's physical or mental health deteriorating for weeks or months at a time.

Our mental & physical well-being policy should encourage employees to feel comfortable talking about their well-being and discussing what issues they are facing. The policy also holds us accountable for making sure that good well-being ways of working are embedded within our culture.

Often, talking about our mental health is more uncomfortable than talking about our physical health but 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health issue every year and 17% of us are living with a serious mental health issue 🤕

When dealing with any mental or physical health concerns, Prolific will make sure to:

Improving well-being

The below ways of working are examples of how we promote good well-being at Prolific.

We also encourage employees to put into practice the below-suggested well-being initiatives.

Work-related Stress

Stress can be a considerable risk to both someone's physical and mental health, and all jobs can have times when the work is particularly busy or demanding but it should not be prolonged and affect someone's physical and/or mental health 🤒

If the pressure at work is beginning to affect your health or performance, you should reach out straight away. We want all Prolificos to feel comfortable reaching out regardless of the situation.